Castle Hill Public School
ICSEA percentile
Year Range
HSC Ranking
HSC Success rate
ICSEA percentile
Castle Hill Public School, established in 1879, has been located at its current site since 1998.
The school has committed and effective teachers, modern, well-equipped, air-conditioned classrooms, a school hall, a canteen and a large, well-resourced Library Information Centre that caters for approximately 700 students from a wide range of cultures. Castle Hill Public School has a large executive teaching staff incorporating the principal, two deputy principals and four assistant principals that support learning and student welfare programs.
The school has a record of high achievement in academic and sporting programs and in the performing arts. The school's facilities feature exceptional resources in technology including interactive whiteboards in all permanent classrooms and the library, an interactive connected classroom and computers in every room.
Parents play a vital role in the life of the school. Their active involvement contributes to the outstanding quality of education and supports student welfare programs that offer excellent pastoral care for all students.
The school is designed to meet the needs of all students including those with physical disability.