Asquith Boys High School
ICSEA percentile
Year Range
HSC Ranking
HSC Success rate
ICSEA percentile
Asquith Boys High School is a comprehensive high school in the northern suburbs of Sydney.
The school caters exclusively for the educational and welfare needs of boys. The school attracts boys from a wide area who are seeking a single-sex education.
The school's mission is to provide 'exceptional learning opportunities for boys' and specializes in the areas of technology, creative arts, sport and citizenship. In recent years Asquith Boys High School has consolidated its reputation as a leader in boys' education.
Many of the school's successful programs for boys are being emulated at other schools. Programs such as Habits of the Mind, Year 7 Personal Interest Project, Whole-school Literacy and Numeracy, Gifted and Talented, Creative Arts Scholarships, and the Student Leadership Study are now entrenched in the school culture and provide an exciting range of learning opportunities for boys.
The local community has recognised the school's success and this is reflected in increasing enrolments. Asquith Boys High is a school where boys thrive.