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John Purchase Public School


ICSEA percentile




Year Range


HSC Ranking

HSC Success rate

ICSEA percentile

John Purchase Public School, situated in Cherrybrook in North Western Sydney, provides strong academic foundations and has established an enviable reputation within the community for its quality teaching programs, breadth of extra curricula opportunities, proven, capable teachers and outstanding student outcomes.

The school has a diverse student population, with almost 60% of families from LBOTE backgrounds. Student tracking and evaluative thinking processes enable us to monitor our impact and informs the school's teaching programs.

Specialist programs offered include: gifted education classes, individual multi-lit reading, reading recovery, Language, Literacy and Learning, big writing, a support teacher for learning and access to a private speech pathologist. Deep, visible, authentic learning is enabled by extensive digital access, incorporating school wide use of: tablet technology, interactive whiteboards, wireless internet and laptop learning.

Positive relationships and student voice are fostered through: peer support, buddy classes, the student representative council, anti-bullying, and the friendly schools program. Parents are supportive and enthusiastically involve themselves in the school programs, working in partnership with the staff.

Our children enjoy coming to school to learn and play.

Lindfield 樓盤
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